Intelligent Comprehensive Hebrew Bible Research



Coaching and Consulting

We Show You Where To Look; You Do The Work! (c)

Acts 1:8, Acts 22-26 Young’s Literal Translation
but you shall receive power at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and unto the end of the earth
— Hebrew Bible 1st Century

What Power?

To Go To End of Earth, One Must Know The Testimony

The Power to Study to Show yourself approved rightly dividing the word of truth that one not be ashamed of not knowing. Daniel carefully explains how he did not know; though the record states he prayed and studied daily; Daniel; like you missed; Jeremiah. Then Daniel Instantly repents! Chapter 9 the Book of Daniel. 21 Days for the prophetic answer to reach Daniel. We like to refer to 21 Centuries to reach you this day; Repent! Gabriel will bring you too insight, according to the words of the Holy Hebrew Bible.

Revelation 19:10b CROSS-REFERENCE | Revelation 12:17… The remnant of her Seed; keep the commandments of God, have the Word of Knowledge and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ Anointed


B|F|A Coach and Consult, proudly building innovative curriculums since 1989, specializes in crafting tailored educational solutions to empower organizations and individuals for success.

B|F|A Coach and Consult, a trusted leader in curriculum development since 1989, is excited to announce a limited-time sale on our bespoke consulting services, designed to empower educators and organizations to transform their training programs. As we celebrate our legacy of excellence from 1994 to 2024, we invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to collaborate with our seasoned experts who will tailor solutions to meet your specific needs, ensuring that your educational initiatives are both innovative and impactful. Elevate your

We were to follow the example Gabriel set in place; we were called to adhere to the teachings of the Kingdoms and the wisdom of the Prophets. Our quest for knowledge would consist of uncovering insights from the annals of history and systematically applying each fulfilled event to the Testimony of Jesus Christ, as referenced in Revelation 19:10b. However, a significant issue has arisen: we did not fulfill this directive.

In the words of Jesus found in Luke 24:44, "These are the words I spoke to you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms." This challenge serves as a reminder that our understanding must be rooted in the sacred texts that chronicle God’s revelations to humanity.

To truly comprehend the Testimony of Jesus Christ, we must immerse ourselves in the teachings of Moses, the insights of the Prophets, and the wisdom found within the Psalms. This obligation extends beyond mere acknowledgment; it demands a diligent study and application of our findings to the transformative message of Christ. Only then can we align ourselves with the divine purpose and fully embrace the continuity of God's plan as revealed through scripture.

The call to adhere to the teachings of the Kingdoms and the wisdom of the Prophets is not just a suggestion; it is an imperative. Our task involves delving deep into the history recorded in scripture and connecting the dots that lead us to the Testimony of Jesus Christ. This journey requires meticulous research and an unwavering commitment to understanding how historical prophecies find their fulfillment in the life and teachings of Christ.

Jesus reminds us through His words in Luke 24:44 that the entirety of scripture points towards Him. Every narrative, prophecy, and poetic expression in the sacred texts serves a purpose in revealing the nature of God and His plan for humanity. Therefore, our quest for understanding must be rooted firmly in these documents of sacred history.

To fulfill this directive, we must engage in a rigorous study of the Law of Moses, the insights provided by the Prophets, and the wisdom imparted in the Psalms. This journey is not solely academic; it requires a heart posture that seeks transformation. The insights we gather should not remain theoretical but should be applied to our lives and reflected in our actions.

Only through such diligent study and application can we align ourselves with God's divine purpose. We are invited to become part of the continuity of His plan, allowing the truths revealed in scripture to inform our faith and practice. Our understanding of the Testimony of Jesus Christ will deepen as we commit to this sacred journey, recognizing that each fulfilled event serves not just as a testament to the past but as a guiding light for our present and future.

B|F|A Coach and Consult, proudly building innovative curriculums since 1989, specializes in crafting tailored educational solutions to empower organizations and individuals for success.

B|F|A Coach and Consult, a trusted leader in curriculum development since 1989, is excited to announce a limited-time sale on our bespoke consulting services, designed to empower educators and organizations to transform their training programs. As we celebrate our legacy of excellence from 1994 to 2024, we invite you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to collaborate with our seasoned experts who will tailor solutions to meet your specific needs, ensuring that your educational initiatives are both innovative and impactful. Elevate your

We were to follow the example Gabriel set in place; we were called to adhere to the teachings of the Kingdoms and the wisdom of the Prophets. Our quest for knowledge would consist of uncovering insights from the annals of history and systematically applying each fulfilled event to the Testimony of Jesus Christ, as referenced in Revelation 19:10b. However, a significant issue has arisen: we did not fulfill this directive.

In the words of Jesus found in Luke 24:44, "These are the words I spoke to you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms." This challenge serves as a reminder that our understanding must be rooted in the sacred texts that chronicle God’s revelations to humanity.

To truly comprehend the Testimony of Jesus Christ, we must immerse ourselves in the teachings of Moses, the insights of the Prophets, and the wisdom found within the Psalms. This obligation extends beyond mere acknowledgment; it demands a diligent study and application of our findings to the transformative message of Christ. Only then can we align ourselves with the divine purpose and fully embrace the continuity of God's plan as revealed through scripture.

The call to adhere to the teachings of the Kingdoms and the wisdom of the Prophets is not just a suggestion; it is an imperative. Our task involves delving deep into the history recorded in scripture and connecting the dots that lead us to the Testimony of Jesus Christ. This journey requires meticulous research and an unwavering commitment to understanding how historical prophecies find their fulfillment in the life and teachings of Christ.

Jesus reminds us through His words in Luke 24:44 that the entirety of scripture points towards Him. Every narrative, prophecy, and poetic expression in the sacred texts serves a purpose in revealing the nature of God and His plan for humanity. Therefore, our quest for understanding must be rooted firmly in these documents of sacred history.

To fulfill this directive, we must engage in a rigorous study of the Law of Moses, the insights provided by the Prophets, and the wisdom imparted in the Psalms. This journey is not solely academic; it requires a heart posture that seeks transformation. The insights we gather should not remain theoretical but should be applied to our lives and reflected in our actions.

Only through such diligent study and application can we align ourselves with God's divine purpose. We are invited to become part of the continuity of His plan, allowing the truths revealed in scripture to inform our faith and practice. Our understanding of the Testimony of Jesus Christ will deepen as we commit to this sacred journey, recognizing that each fulfilled event serves not just as a testament to the past but as a guiding light for our present and future.




The Bible is Unique

Parse Every Line of Prophecy

It is the only Book that has the answers to basic questions of Life, complex questions of Redemption and claims to be written by the God of Heaven and Earth. The Book Tells Humanity who its Creator is, why it was created and its Ultimate Destiny..

Exploration of Jeremiah's Prophetic Legacy

The exploration of the prophetic heritage within the context of Jeremiah’s words, particularly as they relate to the early Hebrew Christians and the Seven Churches, is crucial for understanding the continuation of faith through tumultuous historical periods. Jeremiah 31:31 introduces the promise of a new covenant—a theme that resonates deeply through the ages.

The locale of this narrative, Bethlehem Ephratha, stands as a poignant symbol. This city, steeped in prophecy and historical significance, was marked by various invasions and governance shifts, particularly following the death of Muhammad in 642 AD. The subsequent rise of caliphate rulers showcased a dynamic interplay between history and divine promises.

The historical path from World War I—highlighted by pivotal agreements like the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement—sets the stage for the emergence of the ten kingdoms as prophesied in the scriptures of Daniel and Revelation. Such agreements have had far-reaching implications, intricately woven into the modern narrative of the Jewish return to their ancestral homeland, fulfilling the promises made to Abraham and Sarah.

The significance of repentance, as underscored within this timeline, remains crucial. The aftermath of the Holocaust led to a national reckoning among the Jewish people, pointing toward a profound eschatological understanding: without repentance, there can be no restoration. World War II, thus, acts as a catalyst for the Kingdom of David's realization in contemporary times, illustrating the continuity of divine covenants through Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants.

The prophecies concerning the Redeemer—the singular, non-replicate-able essence of Jesus—are encapsulated within the Tanakh narratives. The meticulous record of the Magi, educated in Hebrew by the ancient prophets Daniel, reflects a continuity of faith bridging centuries. Their journey to worship the King of the Jews at the culmination of prophecy demonstrates a fulfillment of divine plans that were intricately set in motion long before the events unfolded.

Moreover, the prophetic utterances of Isaiah regarding Cyrus serve as a testament to divine foresight. The release of the Hebrew Jews under Cyrus the Great; not only fulfills prophecy but emphasizes the immutable nature of God’s word—a reaffirmation that divine mandates, such as the virgin birth and the early recognition of Jesus’s ministry by Simeon and Anna, stand firm throughout history.

As we delve into the visual representation of Jesus's ministry and testimony, the culmination of prophetic insights converges upon his anointing by John at baptism, heralding the promise of the Messiah’s imminent return. This ongoing narrative, captured through historical and prophetic lenses, beckons a deeper understanding and a renewed commitment to uncover the truths that underpin our faith.


Two Most Essential Things About Bible Text

Luke Dedication to Theophilus
(Acts 1:1–3)

1Many have undertaken to compose an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by the initial eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 Therefore, having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. 

The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible, BSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub, Discovery Bible,, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee. This text of God's Word has been dedicated to the public domain. Free resources and databases are available at

John @ Revelation 1:1-3 Prologue Berean Standard Bible Par ▾ 

Cross Reference (Daniel 12:1–13) …At That Time The Great Angel Michael

1 This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass. He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw. This is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

3Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and obey what is written in it, because the time is Near.

The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible, BSB is produced in cooperation with Bible Hub, Discovery Bible,, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee. This text of God's Word has been dedicated to the public domain. Free resources and databases are available at

Prophetic Events

In the unfolding narrative of Prophetic Time, a detailed examination of the Seven Churches reveals critical lessons in faithfulness and repentance. Six of these churches succumbed to decline due to their unwillingness to repent, resulting in a withdrawal of divine light—symbolized by the removal of their candlesticks. In contrast, the Church of Philadelphia endured, shielded within the Byzantine Empire, remaining steadfast from the conclusion of the Burnt Offering in 70 AD until the prophesied Abomination of Desolation became manifest 1,290 days later.

The 1,260-day period, often, also; discussed in relation to Revelation, corresponds to two significant prophecies about the persecution of the Jewish people. The first, found in Daniel 8, details a 2,300-day timeline relating to Antiochus Epiphanes during the intertestamental period, illustrating an event that has already transpired. Conversely, the prophecy presented by John in Revelation speaks to ongoing tribulations stemming from the rise of the Antichrist, with its beginnings traced back to 71 AD as noted in Revelation 13.

Moreover, both Daniel, Hosea, and John, through their prophetic insights, intriguingly converge on (date) predictions surrounding September 11, 2001. This convergence signifies critical moments in human history, urging believers to reflect on the importance of repentance,watching the scriptures unfold and vigilance.

As we piece together the timeline—70 AD plus 1,290 days—which yields 1,260 days, plus an additional 30 days leads us to 1,290 days, and finally 45 days more to reach a total of 1,335 days—these calculations serve not merely as historical markers but as divine indicators calling for preparedness and awareness as we await the return of Christ as the promised Messiah of Earth.

The 1st century Hebrew Assembly represented a pivotal moment in the evolution of faith, anchoring itself within the rich tapestry of Jewish traditions and liturgy. Central to its identity was the observance of the Sabbath, a sacred time dedicated to rest and spiritual reflection, emphasizing the significance of community and divine connection. The Tallit, worn during prayer, symbolized a commitment to God's commandments and the communal identity of the Jewish people.

Integral to their worship was the Menorah, with its seven branches illuminating the space, serving as a reminder of God's presence and the light of the Torah. Reverence for the Torah was paramount, as it encapsulated the teachings and covenant of God with Israel, guiding both individual and communal life.

The notion of anticipation for the Messiah, as referenced in Isaiah 63, resonates profoundly within the community, particularly for Hebrew Jews in the diaspora. Scattered across the globe, they maintain their unique identity and collective hope, praying for the day when the promised Messiah will arrive. This hope is articulated during Passover, especially at the moment of the fourth cup, where the phrase “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” echoes the assembly's longing and readiness for its fulfillment.

Psalms 118:26-29 and Matthew 26:26-28 further underline the connection between the Passover ritual and the messianic expectation, reinforcing the enduring nature of these traditions and their significance in the lives of Hebrew Jews, both historical and contemporary. The first-century assembly not only nurtured a communal faith but also fostered a lasting legacy that continues to influence Jewish worship and identity today.

As the early Christian movement emerged, it inherited many of these practices, yet faced significant challenges as it sought to define its identity amidst a range of cultural and theological conflicts. The seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation reflect this evolving dynamic. Each congregation represented unique aspects of the Hebrew Assembly; however, most succumbed to various pressures—be it external persecution, internal doctrinal disputes, or cultural assimilation—leading to their decline.

Philadelphia stood out, maintaining its witness and faithfulness until the Byzantine region fell to the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. This marked a significant shift, where the center of Christianity began to transition away from its initial roots, impacting the development of both Christian and Jewish communities over the ensuing centuries.

The aftermath of these historical shifts laid the groundwork for intense geopolitical transformations. Following the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the region witnessed various rulers, each influencing religious and cultural landscapes. The Ottoman Empire's rule prompted various responses, including the establishment of certain Christian sects that sought refuge from rising tensions, while others consolidated power within the Ottoman system.

The reference to the Two Witnesses in Revelation underscores the necessity of testimony in the face of oppression. As prophetic figures during the end times, they are intertwined with the narrative of trial and truth—mirroring Hebrew traditions where the testimony of two witnesses holds significant weight. Their role in the final tribulations reveals the enduring struggle against evil, resonating throughout history, echoing the trials faced by the early Assemblies as they navigated threats, both spiritual and political.

In examining the timeline leading up to and including World War I, one observes a crescendo of turmoil that would once again redefine the Middle Eastern landscape. The competitive ambitions of empires, the aspirations of national identities coalescing, and the struggles for power shaped a narrative of conflict and resolution—ultimately fostering an environment where ancient traditions, fulfilled prophecies, and emerging identities would forever alter the fabric of this pivotal region.

While many individuals may have experienced periods of regression or remained in a state of willful ignorance, the prophetic history articulated in biblical texts has steadily advanced. This journey through human times, eras, and ages does not culminate in an apocalyptic end of the world but signifies the conclusion of the Gentile Age, or Aion.


The progression of prophetic timelines illustrates the unfolding narrative that shapes spiritual and historical discourse. It serves as a reminder that, despite fluctuations in understanding and awareness among various peoples, the divine narrative continues to unfold. Each era has its unique challenges and revelations, yet the overarching theme remains one of guidance and prophecy, leading humanity toward a renewed understanding of divine purpose.


The culmination of the Gentile Age invites reflection on how we engage with knowledge and spirituality, emphasizing a call to awareness and enlightenment (LIGHT THAT TRANSCENDS DARKNESS) that transcends ignorance. It encourages individuals to embrace the continuity of history as a source of wisdom, propelling a collective journey toward greater understanding and fulfillment in alignment with prophetic teachings. Thus, as we transition through these pivotal times, we are reminded that the conclusions we may draw from historical and prophetic contexts serve not as an endpoint, but as a new threshold toward spiritual WORSHIP, INSIGHT evolution and realization; THAT ONLY ANCIENT 1ST CENTURY HEBREW BIBLE IS THE TRUTH; FOREVER SETTLED, IN NEED OF NO REMEDIAL ACTION ON THE PART OF MAN; ONLY GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE…





The Destruction of Jerusalem 70AD

Romans plundered Hebrew 2nd Temple 1st Century Original Judaica and Ritual Artifacts. Today, the Arch, the Artifacts as well as the 7 Branch Candle Stick remain in Rome.

Experience Your Bible


In The Beginning | To The Death of Joseph

Genesis 1

Genesis 50



The Creation recounts the start of time with six workdays and one rest day, known as the Sabbath. The Ancient Past gives insights into the universe, time, and physics. The Book of Genesis covers the; First Days; In The Beginning; Seven Days through to Joseph's death, in Egypt. At B|F|A, we examine each storyline prophecy from Genesis 1 to Genesis Chapter 50, as the baseline of all Holy Bible Linear History. The 5th Day provides us with guidelines for Fossil Evidence, The Trilobite, tracked by fossil remains of Swarming Creatures in the sea. The fifth day is mentioned, supported by science, through first living creatures, Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Class Trilobita Order Redlichiida, all now fossils. The Trilobite. The oldest trilobite known is Lemdadella which appears at the beginning of the Fallotaspis zone, Fallotaspis zone (Spain, Laurentia Earth); predates, Pangea Earth. The extinct genus of redlichiid trilobites lived during the late Atdabanian stage, which lasted from 521 to 514 million years ago during the early part of the Cambrian Period, various species left a global trail of evidence. Palaeontologists have identified several thousands of different species of trilobites. The Trilobite, ‘Spoken Only’; created by the words of the Fifth Day; science states the first Trilobite had no maternal or paternal parent, the Fossil Remains forever preserved in Diluvian earth sediment.

We build curriculums, guiding exploration of forensic data. Research on the first Trilobite confirms swarming creatures from the Fifth Day, Genesis 1:20-23. We present the first look at the linear storyline of ancient Bible texts, proving their content through Earth Sciences Bible Sciences, Fossil Records and Artifacts. Trilobites are the most common Cambrian fossil. Heath Earth Science, Nancy Spaulding 1997.


At B|F|A, we examine every storyline and fulfilled prophecy in Anti-Diluvian history, the Sixth Day, Various Homo Kind Creatures: Not Capable of Immortality, Not Provided The Breathe Of God; Extinct. Human HomoSapien-Sapien Man Created With Stardust of Earth; Made In Gods Image, Capable of Immortality; moved Inyo The Private Garden of Eden; Away from the Kind Creature Homo’s. Events in the Garden of Eden, include; The Fall (Genesis 1-3:14). The Fall, the result of doubting God’s word, making additions to God’s word, contradiction of God’s word, Transgression; followed by Fear. The Restoration work begins; immediately. 2 of the 3 are deposed, each of the 3 are cursed. The record states Satan, The Woman, The Man, were each placed in temporal xxx. Significantly the Tree of Life, is guarded from abuse, then removed from terrestrial earth. Birth of Cain | Able; 1st worship Service; 1st Murder, Cain’s conversation with God. 3rd Son of Adam and Eve Seth birth, Genesis 5.

Adam was contemporary with Cain’s posterity to the 7th generation. Cain’s Lineage Died Out. Seth’s posterity down to the 308 year of Enoch, the 243rd year of Methuselah, the two men Adam and Methuselah, contemporary to each other through the whole Anti-Diluvian Age. Noah the 10th generation carried Enoch’s messages on to the Ark, then off to dry earth. The repopulation of current earth was through the 70 Nations birthed from Shem, Ham, Japheth; Genesis 10.

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data.


Enoch, 7th generation from Adam, son of Jared; 1st prophet. Enoch lived 365 years, received Heaven Messages, then was not; God Took Him. Enoch’s prophecies provided guidance and prophecies directly from; multiple visits to Heaven, returning with prophetic message, delivered to Enoch’s Sons, including Methusalah, messages dispersed to Seth’s line as well as the people of Anti-Diluvian earth; all Apostate. All flesh had corrupted on earth except the 8 who entered the Ark. Genesis 10.

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data.


The Ancient Past Holds Clues to Noah, 10th generation from Adam, The Noah Covenant
At B|F|A, we examine every storyline and fulfilled prophecy in history. We begin with Genesis 1-3:14, then move to Genesis 3:15, marking the end of the Walking in the Garden Era when the Ark set sail. The next key moment is when the Ark landed, allowing the eight people and the animals aboard to disembark on a dry Mountain Range to this day Called Ararat. The 4 husbands and 4 wives were the only beings on Earth who lived in both the pre-Flood, Anti-Diluvian and Post Flood Diluvian Periods.

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;


The Ancient Past Holds Clues to Abram-Sarai, 14th generation from Adam. Genesis 11:31 The Abram Covenant
At B|F|A, we examine every storyline and fulfilled prophecy in history. We begin with Genesis 1-50,

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data; The Bible and The Spade Edgar J. Banks, PH.D, field director of Babylonian Expedition of the University of Chicago 1913 + Mt Ararat picture


The Ancient Past Holds Clues to Abraham-Sarah, 14th generation from Adam The Abraham Covenant
At B|F|A, we examine every storyline and fulfilled prophecy in history. We begin with Genesis 1-50

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data. The Biblical Period From Abraham to Ezra, an historical survey.William Foxwell Albright

The Ancient Past Holds Clues to Isaac Covenant; Holy Hebrew Bible
At B|F|A, we examine every storyline and fulfilled prophecy in history. We begin with Genesis 1-50. One promise; Multiple Covenants; Prophetic Outcomes.

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;



We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;






We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;



We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;


Research In Progress Aramaic version of Job found amongst the scrolls at Qumran

JOB Job = ’Iyyôb) in Job 1:1 , 3rd Son of Issachar, the son of Jacob, Genesis 46:13. Genesis 46:8 Now these are the names of the sons of Israel (Jacob and his descendants) who went to Egypt. Genesis 46:13 The sons of Issachar: Tola, Puvah, Job, and Shimron. Genesis 46:15 These are the sons of Leah born to Jacob in Paddan-aram, in addition to his daughter Dinah.

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data; A man in the land of UZ Where Was The Land Of Uz? | Bible Reading Archeology, The Stones Cry Out…


The Ancient Past Holds Clues to Esua-Jacob Covenants; Holy Hebrew Bible
At B|F|A, we examine every storyline and fulfilled prophecy in history. We begin with Genesis 1-50. One promise; Multiple Covenants; Prophetic Outcomes.

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;


The Ancient Past, 1000bc to the 1st Century

King David

Persia: Ancient Iran and the Classical World (

Holds Clues to King David

We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data The treasury of David An Original Exposition of The Book of Psalms | C.H. Spurgeon 1882


2 The Last Appearance and Ascension

And He said to them, Theses are my words which I spake to you, while still with you; that all things must be fulfilled, which are written in the Law of Moses, andthe prophets and the Psalms, concerning me. Then opened He their mind, that they might understand the scriptures: and He said to them, It is Written; that the Christ, `Anointed One, must suffer, and rise again from the dead the third day; and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all the nations, on earth; beginning from Jerusalem. You are my witnesses of these things. And, now, I send the promise of my Father on you: but stay in the city, until you become clothed with power from on high.

We know their minds were opened since the next thing that happened was Peter went to upper room and studied the scriptures as instructed starting with the Book of Daniel; the preface to Peter’s discourse on Joel in Acts 2.

This Is That Spoken By the Prophet, Joel
We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data





We Build Curriculums; we show you where to explore, discover, find the forensic data;

You Want To Know The Whole Story Narrative that speaks for itself. Mark 1:16-18 ...Prophecy fulfilled x Jeremiah 31:31


12 Uriah Smith 1897, Preface 

The Prophet Daniel did not know this material; also, until he repented from not knowing Jeremiah’s words and their meaning. Daniel looked again at Jeremiah 25 …11 This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Seventy Years of Captivity

Jeremiah 29 …10 This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.[b] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

Most who visit this site are in the same condition as Daniel, he studied, prayed, spoke of; but never researched what was actually said. Repent from not knowing the word’s of the Prophet Jeremiah. Repent, Insight will come. Daniel Received. He passed Hebrew Bible scripture to the Perisan Court, 600 years later the 1st century Achmenid Wisemen, follow the Star Sign, into Bethlehem, to attend, eyewitness, give honor to the King of the Jews, returning to Persia, now Iran; with research, fulfilled prophecy; written in the annals at Susa.


John The Prophet Selected To “Write Again”; the Testimony of Jesus Christ Anointed Revelation 19:10b

Second Witness

The call to adhere to the teachings of the Kingdoms and the wisdom of the Prophets is not just a suggestion; it is an imperative. Our task involves delving deep into the history recorded in scripture and connecting the dots that lead us to the Testimony of Jesus Christ. This journey requires meticulous research and an unwavering commitment to understanding how historical prophecies find their fulfillment in the life and teachings of Christ.

Jesus reminds us through His words in Luke 24:44 that the entirety of scripture points towards Him. Every narrative, prophecy, and poetic expression in the sacred texts serves a purpose in revealing the nature of God and His plan for humanity. Therefore, our quest for understanding must be rooted firmly in these documents of sacred history.

To fulfill this directive, we must engage in a rigorous study of the Law of Moses, the insights provided by the Prophets, and the wisdom imparted in the Psalms. This journey is not solely academic; it requires a heart posture that seeks transformation. The insights we gather should not remain theoretical but should be applied to our lives and reflected in our actions.

Only through such diligent study and application can we align ourselves with God's divine purpose. We are invited to become part of the continuity of His plan, allowing the truths revealed in scripture to inform our faith and practice. Our understanding of the Testimony of Jesus Christ will deepen as we commit to this sacred journey, recognizing that each fulfilled event serves not just as a testament to the past but as a guiding light for our present and future.

Isaac Newton

R. H Charles




From The Revolt Against The Zendik, 511AD To The Capture of St. Jean D'Acre By The Mahometans; 1291AD

18th Through 21st Century Knowledge of God Increase

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